Chris left for 12 days for a business trip to Atlanta, and I hope things start going better. First, Kristina messed up her PC again, and I could not fix it. I finally told her that she had to hire the teenage PC guru in the neighborhood. (Good news, he fixed it in an hour. But I admit my ego is a little bruised. :) )
Then I have a dinner party planned Thursday for my book club, so I decided to wash the couch cushion coverings. One of them had to be sewed when it came out of the dryer, and another lost its zipper. I hope that I can get the same size zipper and fix it.
If that wasn’t enough, well, since Chris is gone, I needed to take Logan to his obedience class to be a therapy dog. I started backing the van out of the driveway, and driveway was very slippery, so I ended up with van stuck in snow bank on one side of the driveway. Kristina and I started shoveling snow bank, and I managed to drive to get van unstuck, but Kristina was shouting at me. I asked her what was wrong, and she was afraid I was going to tip the van over. Since it seemed possible and I had been a little intimidated also, I left van there. Since van was not on driveway anymore but off in snow drift on side, I decided to take the car. However, since driveway was pure ice in places, I told Kristina not to get in until I made it out of the driveway. Well, I didn’t make it out. I had it in neutral, but it hit the ice and starting spinning. Thankfully, I didn’t hit the van, but I had to leave the car stuck on the ice as I don’t think that I could get it out without hitting the van.
So, Logan didn’t make it to class, and I have two vehicles stuck! UGH!!!! My neighbor said he would help me get them out in morning. I gave up on trying to be productive anymore today. :)
Hope you and your neighbor were able to get your cars unstuck. :o) I found your dinner idea on Thurs. neat b/c I'm having a Tea Luncheon at my house on Thurs. as a way of trying to reach out to others. It is the first time I'll be hosting a party on my own. Hope your dinner goes smooth for you!